Good morning fellas, it has been a hot minute since my last blog post. So, I am glad to announce that I, Enadasa, have returned! Anyways today’s topic is one that I am immensely proud of and have put a ton of effort into. My first ever Minecraft World! Let’s begin shall we!
I can vaguely remember a time before I purchased my first copy of Minecraft. Things were different. I was young, so things seemed simpler to me. My first electronic device was a third generation I-Pod touch which exploded a few days before the authoring of this article. The battery expanded which is a problem on many devices, even newer ones. I know a certain youtuber found that most of the samsung phones in his collection had exploded last year or the year before. I’m lucky the battery didn’t get popped otherwise it could have burned my house down. Anyways, I purchased my first copy of Minecraft sometime in 2011. Of course, since I didn’t have a capable computer at the time, I purchased the pocket edition. This version of the game would later become Bedrock edition.

The map above is a full map of every explored chunk in my oldest world. The world has been uploaded to my realm server; however, I don’t plan to make it public any time soon. Bedrock worlds used to be eight chunks by eight chunks in total surface area. You can see an artifact of this near the center of the map. Oops I forgot to explain what a chunk is. In Minecraft, the world is made up of cubes. A chunk is the combination of a sixteen-by-sixteen area of these cubes. In-game using the map item and or the debug menu you can get coordinates for your exact location.

Around the time I bought Minecraft Pocket Edition, a bug existed which allowed for infinite duping of the hardest to obtain items at the time. You could spend five diamonds, gold ingots, or iron ingots, to receive one block of the corresponding material. I used this to obtain my stash of diamonds that I have in this world to this day. The bug was eventually fixed but it was too late. I still chuckle to myself when thinking about it. Anyways with this I conclude this section.
The future of the thirteen year old world
Given that the world is so old, it will one day cease to exist wether through corruption or other issues that could happen. As for me, I’ve gotten bored of vanilla Minecraft. Unless they add something new in the next update I’m going to probably take a break from the game entirely. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.