Hello and welcome to the official Subiecraft newsletter. I, the esteemed Enadasa, have been granted the privilege of being responsible for this particular Minecraft SMP’s/”Survival Multiplayer” official newsletter. Anyways introductions aside. I used to play on Subiecraft. I even used to do streams every now and then. However since my announcement in EVLOG #1 over at the following link https://youtu.be/gn33sVttZY0 on YouTube, I am a retired Minecrafter. So to stay a part of the Subiecraft team I decided to do the official Newsletter (I doubt Rich or Subieguy would’ve kicked me for inactivity though.)
The Admin Team

First up the member with the most subscribers on YouTube: RichJTurn. A good friend and an amazing builder. You should’ve seen the spawn area from Season #1. Richard built most of it if I remember correctly. Anyways on To the next member. Subieguy, the boss, otherwise known as the owner of Subiecraft. Very helpful. Good with Redstone. Next we have Fuzion however I myself haven’t had much interactions with him. So excluding myself, that about completes the list. Though the only thing I really administrate is this newsletter, happy to do so.
What to Expect
Starting with the basics, each Newsletter post will have a couple images and progress updates based on what other members of the server submit to me each week. A few posts might have tributes if needed. Some posts will have more content, others may have less etc.
So being that this is the first newsletter and all please provide feedback, no account is required last I checked. Anyways thanks for reading.